Monday - Thursday | 7 am to 1 am |
Friday | 7 am to 5 pm |
Saturday | 11 am to 6 pm |
Sunday |
1 pm to Midnight |
Visit the library home page to see detailed hours for the current semester.
Denise Nelson | Director of Ryan Library | (619) 849-2477 |
Mary Logue | Resource Discovery Librarian | (619) 849-2208 |
Robin Lang | Instructional Services Librarian | (619) 849-2350 |
TBD | Instructional Services Librarian | (619) 849-2487 |
Julie Sweeney | Instructional Services Librarian | (619) 849-2472 |
Lorena Pangilinan | Department Assistant | (619) 849-2335 |
Erinn Mullaney | Manager of Access Services Interlibrary Loan |
(619) 849-2372 |
Joy Metcalfe | Library Associate, Cataloging and Serials | (619) 849-2333 |
Merrie Monteagudo | University Archivist | (619) 849-2385 |
Circulation and Reserve | General Information | (619) 849-2312 |
Research Help Desk | Research Information | (619) 849-2337 |
The librarians at Ryan Library serve as liaisons to specific departments/schools at PLNU to provide support in a variety of ways. Contact your librarian for these or other needs:
Art & Design | Robin Lang |
Biology | Robin Lang |
Business | Denise Nelson |
Chemistry | Mary Logue |
Communication and Theatre | Denise Nelson |
Education | Denise Nelson |
History and Political Science | Robin Lang |
Kinesiology and Health Sciences | Denise Nelson |
Literature, Journalism, Writing, & Languages | Julie Sweeney |
Mathematical, Information & Computer Sciences | Mary Logue |
Music | Julie Sweeney |
Nursing | Denise Nelson |
Physics and Engineering | Mary Logue |
Psychology | Denise Nelson |
Sociology, Social Work, & Family Sciences | Robin Lang |
Theology and Christian Ministry | Julie Sweeney |
Women's Studies | Julie Sweeney |
If your library liaison is not available, any PLNU Librarian will be happy to be of assistance.
The Research Help Desk at Ryan Library welcomes reference and research questions from Point Loma Nazarene University students, faculty, and staff*.
Use the chat box on this page, text (619) 592-8884, call (619) 849-2337, email us, or come by in person.
During the academic year, research help is generally available at the following times:
Monday - Thursday |
10 am to 9 pm |
Friday |
10 am to 4:30 pm |
Weekends |
No librarian available |
Note: Research help is limited during holidays and school breaks. Summer hours are generally 8 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday.