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Anatomy Learning Institute: Evidence-Based Practice

Tutorials and Types of Studies

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EBP Research Process

Ask a Question

  • Get to know your topic
  • Ask yourself the 5 W's and H: Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How?  (Who are the stakeholders? What is the issue/problem/concern/innovation? Where and When will it/does it occur?  Why is it important?  How will you propose to address it?)
  • Do background research to make sure you have a solid foundation. 
  • Create a research question to guide your search.

Acquire Evidence

  • Where will you search?
  • What keywords or subject headings will you use to find information on your topic?
  • What types of studies or data will be most helpful in answering your question?
  • Brainstorm answers to these questions, then search the Databases to find the best evidence on your topic

Appraise the Evidence

  • Critically appraise the evidence/research you found: what methodologies were used?  How was the data analyzed and reported?  Are the conclusions supported by the data?


  • Consider what the evidence means in your situation, related to your stakeholders and their needs, and how it may be best implemented.


  • How did it work?  Did you see results that created the outcomes you were trying to achieve?  Do you need to adjust the implementation?  Do you need a different solution?

Levels of Evidence for Outcomes Research

Source: Deborah Lieberman, M. H. S. A., & Tickle-Degnen, L. (2002). EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE FORUM.  May/June, Volume 56 Number 3