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Women in the Christian Tradition: CHU3040: Articles and Databases

This research guide provides information on accessing resources in support of the curriculum in Women in the Christian Tradition (CHU3040).

Timeline of Women's History in the US

This timeline of milestones in women's US history is from The American Women's Almanac: 500 Years of Making History provided by the Credo Reference Database. The timeline covers 1539 to 2019. To view the timeline in the Credo Reference database, open this link, or open the PDF below. (You will be prompted to enter your PLNU username and password.)

Requesting Materials from Other Libraries

      InterLibrary Loan

  • Articles, books and other materials can be requested from InterLibrary Loan.
  • Books requested via InterLibrary Loan may take a minumum of 7-10 business days.
  • Loan periods and renewal availability varies depending on the participating libraries.
  • Overdue fines will apply.

Click Here for ILL Request Form


Ryan Library Databases for Religion Sources

 Ryan Library Databases are subscriptions provided to the PLNU community for online access to journal and magazine articles and/or citations.

You will be prompted for your PLNU network username and password (same as email) to access these databases.

Some recommended databases for students of Religion are:

(Hint: You can search the five databases above together by clicking on "Choose Databases" once you are inside one of the databases and adding the other three databases to the same search.)

Search by Scripture in the ATLA database:

The Priscilla Papers Journal

Priscilla Papers

The Priscilla Papers: The Academic Journal of Christians for Biblical Equality is available through the Academic Search Premier database for the publication dates 2007 to the present: 

Note: You will be prompted to enter your PLNU OneLogin.