Use the Formulating a Research Question Worksheet Google doc. Make a copy of the Google Doc and rename it.
Sample Research Question
Step 1: Name Your Topic: I am trying to learn about (working on/studying). . .US promotion of democracy abroad
Step 2: Add an Indirect Question that indicates what you do not know or understand about your topic: 1. I am studying/working on US promotion of democracy abroad Because I want to find out who/what/when/where/whether/why/how the US promotes democracy abroad.
Step 3: Answer So What? By Motivating Your Question (does your question interest others by adding a second indirect question that explains why you asked your first question starting with in order to help my reader understand how, why, or whether): I am studying/working on US promotion of democracy abroad Because I want to find out who/what/when/where/whether/why/how the US promotes democracy abroad. 3. Because I want my reader to understand better how/why/whether the US should promote democracy abroad.
Final Question: I am studying US promotion of democracy abroad because I want to find out how the US promotes democracy abroad because I want my reader to understand better whether the US should promote democracy abroad.
Note: All the necessary components are there in the final question, though it could be edited to improve style.