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Political Science Scope and Methods (POL2070): Articles, Journals, and Databases

A research guide for Dr. Lindsey Lupo's Poltical Science Scope and Methods (POL2070) course.

Peer Review

Library Databases on Political Science

Exploring your topic

Search your topic in the Credo Reference database to find a few encyclopedia articles with background information.

Recommended databases for Political Science Scope and Methods (all databases require PLNU login):

(Hint: Since these are EBSCO databases, you can search the three databases above at the same time by clicking on "Choose Databases" once you are inside one of the databases. Check the box of the names of the databases you would like to search simultaneously.)

Additional databases recommended for Political Science students include:

Request an Article

InterLibrary Loan allows members of the PLNU community to request articles from another library.

Before you request an article, complete the following steps to verify that the article is not available at PLNU:

  1. Find out if the journal is full text in one of our databases. 
  2. Find out if the journal (hard copy) is located in Ryan Library. 
  3. Use InterLibrary Loan to request the article. 

Accessing Specific Journals

To determine if Ryan Library provides full-text access to specific journals, type or copy/paste the journal title into the Journals Directory located on the Library's homepage (click on the 3rd tab in the middle search box).

Some journals will be available in more than one database and may only have certain publication dates available in each database. Many journals have embargos placed on them by their publishers, meaning their most recent content is not yet available in full-text through a library database. For example, it's common to see a database that provides access to the publication years "2007 to 18 months ago" OR "1993 to 1 year ago." For help accessing journals, contact librarian Robin Lang at

Practice Instructions: 

Activity #1:

  1. With your partner, go to the Journals Directory

  2. Type in your assigned journal title

  3. Write down the name of the database(s) listed

  4. Share with class

Activity #2: By yourself, on the worksheet, list the steps you went through to locate this journal.

Activity #3:

  1. Individually, go to your assigned journal or any journal listed below, on the library worksheet, or Research Exercise #2 (they're the same titles).

  2. Open the journal in a database, figure out how to search in the journal, and type in keywords on your topic.

  3. If possible, limit to: 

    1. Full Text

    2. Peer Reviewed 

      1. Pub. date range 2003-2024

  4. Notice language used in titles and subject terms and make adjustments to your search terms, as needed.

  5. Once you find an article, email the article to yourself.

Journal of Politics:

  1. Journal of Politics: 
  2. American Journal of Political Science:
  3. British Journal of Political Science: 
  4. American Political Science Review: 
  5. Journal of Democracy:
  6. Journal of Conflict Resolution (Note: Two titles are listed, so make sure you use the correct one.):
  7. Public Administration (Note: Eight titles are listed, so make sure you use the correct one.):
  8. Comparative Politics:
  9. International Studies Quarterly:
  10. Political Communication: