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Civil Rights: Fannie Lou Hamer

Point Loma Nazarene University's Ryan Library created this web site and the library's display cases, Spring Semester 2017. Some links may be accessible only to members of the PLNU community.

Fannie Lou Hamer

"I feel sorry for anybody that could let hate wrap them. Ain't no such thing as I can hate anyone and hope to see the face of God."

New York Times Mar. 15, 1977, pg. 40.

What prompted her to become an activist?

Fannie Lou Hamner   Civil Rights activist, Sharecropper

In August 1962 Hamer attended a rally.  "The most effective communication mode in the black community, preaching was used to communicate the message at the rally.  (The minister) preached from Luke 12:54, 'Discerning the Signs of the Times,' and challenged the people to look around them to see the signs of those times.  Afterwards (another speaker) spoke specifially about voter registration, further challenging the people to action to effect change in their living conditions.  When the call was made for volunteers to challenge the unjust voting laws, Hamer was among the volunteers."  

Notable Black American Women, vol. 1, pg. 442.  Available in Ryan Library's reference section.

What happened after that?

Fannie Lou Hamer was known for her declaration that "We cannot separate Christ from freedom and freedom from Christ." (Notable Black American Women, vol. 1, pg. 443.)  Below is a representative list of electronic resources found in Ryan Library. Check with a librarian for additional resources.  Access these videos and eBooks using your PLNU Network ID and Password.  This is the same way you access Canvas and campus Gmail.


 Fannie Lou Hamer's Democratic National Convention Address This flim-clip is folowed by two others on Hamer.

Black Heroines of the Civil Rights Movement: Fannie Lou Hamer A discussion of Hamer as a singer and "fierce warrior." 


Speeches of Fannie Lou Hamer: To Tell It Like It Is .

Fannie Lou Hamer: The Life of a Civil Rights Icon